Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Book Review

Beat the Reaper, Josh Bazell
originally published in 2009

I am a smart ass. If there's a comment to be made that is slightly cynical or even crossing into mean, I'll make it. I feel like I could sit down with Josh Bazell and be among my people. Bazell is literature major, a doctor, and a certified smart ass.

Beat the Reaper
is the story of a young guy in the witness protection program. He'd been a hitman for the mob and now he's a doctor. If that doesn't give someone perspective into the human psyche, I don't know what would. I found it interesting that I liked the main character as much as I did. He has great knack for rationalizing his actions and somehow I bought them.

From the snappy dialogue to the snort-inducing footnotes, I was hooked about two pages in. It's a quick, but enjoyable read. I'll be looking to read more from Josh Bazell.

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