I ran out to my fiber room in the garage and dove into the sock yarns bins. I thought I had some of that Regia yarn that makes fake fair isle patterns - nope. But I did find a lovely blue Koigu. Grabbed the swift and ran back inside. Koigu balls up into a very small ball! I kept thinking, "I'm never gonna get a whole sock out of that." I have seen other people's socks made from Koigu, so I know it's possible - maybe I'll make toe ups. Only if I can find a heel I like - I really love the regular old heel stitch. I did knit a gauge swatch, but pulled it out right after I measured it - paranoia.
The Vogue baby hat. It's really lovely, the colors will work for a little girl, but I did switch it from flat knitting (garter stitch) to in the round. I didn't like the way the yarn was bunching up on the side of the piece (5 different colors). Then I kept thinking about how a seam would feel on a tiny bald head. So I started over and once I got to the top, did the 3-needle bind off, without even thinking about it. Now take a look at the picture again
You see that cool 4-way triangle closure on the top of the hat? Imagine mine looking very much like a garter stitch envelope and see why the 3-needle bind off isn't working for me. And I will honestly tell you that it took me 20 minutes of fiddling with the thing to realize what I had done wrong (it was one of my slow nights). In my defense, the directions are as clear as mud - big sigh. I'll fix it this weekend. The baby was being induced today, I hope everything's going well.
Crochet class tomorrow. I already have a crochet hook of the requisite size. I was pretty surprised at that. I bought it years ago to help me pick up dropped stitches and I'm amazed it still lives in my knitting box. A coupla hours with other knitting (and blogging) gals - woo hoo!!
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