Friday, January 13, 2012

Project 365

I've been reading lately about people who commit to doing something creative for an entire year. It's an interesting concept and one I'm thinking about trying. There are a couple things holding me back:
  1. What if I attempt it and don't complete it?
  2. Are there enough different ways to be creative about something?
  3. When it gets hard will I push through or will I give up?
When I'm thinking about something, I read about it. I found a ton of interesting stuff on this concept. First, the guy who created and started calling it Project 365, Noah Scalin. He made a skull every day for a year (some of them are way cool). He's also written a couple of books and in the promotion of his second book, Unstuck, there are a lot of articles talking about the project. Like this one.

Scalin has 6 ideas about how to come to the project in a way that helps stick to the commitment and not just think about it.

  1. Let go of preciousness
  2. Freedom comes from limitations
  3. Get out of your environement
  4. Get out of your comfort zone
  5. Get things by giving them away
  6. Collaborate

He expands on each of these in the linked article above. Go read it, it will only take a minute or two. (I'd buy the book, but I already took the "no new books" pledge.) He's been featuring other Project 365'ers on his website and they're all doing cool things too.

So, back to my initial questions.

  1. Attempt, but can't complete?
    • So what? I've started things over and over and I keep starting them again. Scalin himself said that the Skull Project was his third attempt at a 365.
  2. Different ways to be creative?
    • Seriously? I've been stretching myself and trying different things my whole life. I sat here and thought of at least a dozen ways to create my  365 idea.
  3. Push through or give up?
    • Here's the thing. For me, it's like working out. If I know that someone's waiting for me at the gym - I haul myself out of bed and go. If I know someone's waiting to see me succeed (or fail) or simply to live the project along with me vicariously, that's incentive enough to show up. Every. Day.
    • Anyone want to be a 365 buddy? We could bounce ideas off each other and shout encouragement through the interwebz.

I like the idea of doing a "thing" every day. It does help me to limit the box, so to speak. So my 2 ideas are either a giraffe or a snowman/woman/person. Any thoughts on which one I should do? Any ideas about materials to use? Any encouragement? Any naysayers? I'd love to hear from one and all. Drop me a comment and tell me what you think.

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