Friday, January 20, 2012

Book Review - "Port Mortuary"

Port Mortuary, Patricia Cornwell
originally published: November 2010
finished reading: abandoned in disgust, 18 January 2012
cost: $27.95 (library and boy am I glad I didn't pay for this!)

It's official, Kay Scarpetta has jumped the shark. I got to the middle of this roughly 500 page book I realized that we had only traveled about 5 hours in time. Why? Because Scarpetta has to think about the implications of what just happened. Or tell us what it reminds her of. Or take a peek at her internal reaction to it. Or her reaction to the person who did it. Or her reaction to the person who told her about it. It was like following her around after a psychotic break and you're the only person who doesn't know she's lost her mind.

Enough. Enough of the poor, damaged Lucy. Enough of the detente with Benton. Enough of Marino's rantings. Enough of Fielding's betrayal.

Fonzie, meet Kay. I hope you'll be very happy together.

1 comment:

Kathaleeny said...

HA! I thought I was the only one who is just tired of her.