Thursday, January 15, 2004


When I think about knitting the Charlotte's Web shawl in Koigu, this small bit of the song from Charlotte's Web goes through my head,

There in the warp and the woof is the proof of it...Charlotte's Web.

I pulled out the digital camera to take a snap of the colors Jillian and I picked out on Friday and find the batteries are dead. Do we have any fresh batteries? No. Why is this? My son, the Gameboy freak, has taken every AA battery in the house. I found a pile (seriously, probably 24 batteries) in his bedroom - they're all dead. The kid needs to spend his own $$ on batteries from now on - it has been decreed. So, you're going to have to wait at least one more day to see these gorgeous colors (I know, can you stand it?).

I, um, also just sent Matt at Threadbear an e-mail requesting 5 other colors for another shawl. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to actually knit 2 of these things, or not. My other choice is to go back to my LYS and just get pairs for the other skeins I bought and make a ton of socks. I figure it's all good, no matter what I choose.

Sassy's ChrisTmas stocking is coming along nicely. She came in last night while I was knitting and spoke about all the colors, "I really like this dark blue. I don't know if I've ever seen a blue quite that color before. And those purples, they look really nice together. I especially like the dark purple. You know, I really like dark colors..." You know how 8-year-olds can go on and on and if you don't know this particular fact you're going to have to trust me. This kid talks more than any 3 people I know.

Okay, enough stream of consciousness from me for one day. I'm up early to see if school has been called for a snow day (5-7" yesterday and last night). Nothing so far, but it's still early.

*This is how the goose from Charlotte's Web spelled terrific. "T, double e, double r, double i, double f, double i, double c c c." I can hear her voice in my head as I type. Charlotte said, "What kind of acrobat do you think I am?" I guess i'm a bit of a freak for this movie. It was the first literature I can remember reading. I thought E.B. White was god for a very long time - until I read Stuart LIttle and hated it!

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