Friday, January 31, 2003

I pulled out the materials for the Kandinsky Kimono, you know, to just look at and touch. I didn't want to start anything new until I seamed up the Mountain Colors vest. Well, of course that lasted about 2.5 minutes. I've knitted about 20 rows on the back - at least I've forced myself to knit only in my early morning hours until the vest is done. I should be able to do the seaming in direct sunlight this weekend and then I can fly on the Kimono.

I'm in a very happy place these days because my fiber friend Jillian (the Knitting Frau) is coming back! She was here in the area about 10 years ago and we sporadically kept in touch (her in-laws are still here). Anyway, she's coming back sometime this spring!! Whenever I get bummed out about something, I tell myself "Jillian's coming back and she can talk you into starting a new project and out of your doldrums in no time flat."

Shoulder surgery is Monday - I'm a little scared, but mostly hopeful that everything will turn out okay. (or at least that the orthopod doing the surgery doesn't make it worse!) I'm a little unsure about how much time off I'll have (my concern is being able to drive well enough to get back to work). Anyway, I hope I'll be able to knit and spin at least a little.

Here's my wheel. It's been sadly neglected for the last couple of months, but we'll see what a little time off can do for it. I have a whole fleece that's sitting in my basement designated for a project - it needs to be carded and spun first. I'll let you know how far I get.

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