Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Cross Your Fingers

On Saturday at the Sheep and Wool Festival, I saw this:

This, my friends, is a 30" Schacht-Reeves double treadle, cherry wheel. It is beyond gorgeous. It is also approximately $1,500. While fondling this lovely wheel, a woman who worked in the booth said, "I need to get rid of that wheel. Make me an offer." I told her I'd think about it. What sort of offer do you make on a $1,500 wheel? Nancy and I discussed it on Saturday night and I decided to offer her $800 for it on Sunday. All she could do was say no, right?

When we got back to the booth on Sunday, it was gone. No big deal - it's huge and I wasn't sure where I'd put it anyway. Last night, my phone rang with Nancy shouting into it "Go read your e-mail!!" A local is moving to Europe next month and is getting rid of all his stuff. He's offering his 30" Schacht-Reeves single treadle wheel at an obscenely low price. I immediately called and made an appointment to look at it this afternoon. Anyone want to lay odds on how long it will take me to wrestle it into my car?

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