Dang! What the hell happened to my week? Okay, here's what I got done on Monday:

These are 2 stairs to the left of the photo I showed a couple of days ago. They go from the landing right inside the back door up to the hallway. Hub put all these stairs in when we re-did the kitchen. He was looking for the "distressed pine" look. I love them. There are marks and indentations and the scruffed up pine took the stain beautifully. Now I just have to put eleventy-million coats of polyurethane on them.
I managed to get only 1 complete door polyurethaned on Monday. When I started the door to Sassy's room, I saw watermarks all over it (like a wet dog shook near the door). I had a fit. Hub said, "Well, just put the varnish on and we'll see what it looks like."
I said, "Fuck that! You think I want to re-do what I've already done????"
He called the lumber company and they've ordered a new door blank.
Here's what I spent all day Tuesday doing:

Hub was working at his mother's house and when he came in to get water I said, "Hey, I've been using my rotary cutter" (in an effort to distract him from no varnish smells). He said, "Cool." Never mentioned that I'd taken the week off to finish up home improvement. The man is incapable of throwing guilt. It's a good thing I can take care of that on my own.
And, ummm, yesterday? I put all those blocks together - and knit a little bit. So, today, I've taken myself firmly in hand and said, "Self? It's time to get some WORK done. Get busy."
Yeah, when I'm done surfing the blogs.
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