Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Not a Puppy

She's a Brittany Spaniel and she's 7 weeks old tomorrow. We're picking her up from the breeder on Sunday. Sassy is almost jumping out of her skin ready to smother this not a pup with smooches.

This is a full grown Brittany from Wikipedia. They're very good tempered, extremely smart dogs. They also tend to be willful. Our 8-year-old Brittany will take it into her head that if she's more than 25-feet away from you, she doesn't have to listen to you calling her. She frequently disappears into the fields around our house. Then she'll come back hanging her head and looking pathetic. Funny dogs.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

awww.. I thought those were Brittanys! So cute! Your "not a puppy" & mine must get together!! :)